Australian Registered Migration Agents Specialising in Australian Visas
Australian Registered Migration Agents Specialising in Australian Visas
Contact us to discuss your visa requirements today!
Contact us to discuss your visa requirements today!

Business Skills Visas

Business skills visas are an option for those who are business owners, who have been senior executives in fairly sizeable corporations, or who have been successful independent investors. The visas under the business skills program include provisional and permanent options, with provisional visas offering a path to permanent residency.

Business Talent (Subclass 132) Visa

The Business Talent Visa or 132 Visa is a permanent migration option for successful business people who are owners in businesses and who wish to participate in the management of an existing or new business in Australia. The visa now has two streams: the Significant Business History stream, which is for successful owners or part-owners of an existing business who want to have a major management role in a new or existing business in Australia; and the Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream, which is for people who have obtained at least AUD$1,000,000 from an Australian venture capital firm. Applications are by invitation only. To be invited to apply, applicants must lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI), be less than 55 years of age, be nominated by a state or territory government, and meet one of the following requirements:
– have total personal and business assets with a net value of at least AUD$1,500,000 (AUD$400,000 of which must be net assets in the business), and have a business turnover of at least AUD$3,000,000,

OR– have obtained at least AUD$1,000,000 in funding from an Australian venture capital firm for a promising high value business idea.

There are additional requirements dependent upon the stream an applicant chooses; for further details, please contact us.

Provisional Business Visas

Provisional Business Visas differ from the Business Migration Visas as they are valid for up to five years from the date of initial entry, providing certain conditions are met. They can generally be used as a pathway to permanent residency.
This Business Visa allows for provisional migration to Australia for up to five years, and allows for a transition to a permanent visa via a secondary application, as follows:

Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (Subclass 188) Visa

The 188 visa has two streams: the Business Innovation stream, which is for applicants who wish to own and manage a new or existing business in Australia, and the Investor stream, which is for applicants who wish to make a designated investment in a state or territory and want to maintain business and investment involvement in Australia once the original investment has matured.

Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) (Subclass 888) Visa

The 888 visa is the second stage of the Business Innovation and Investment visa; you can apply for it after you have fulfilled the conditions of the provisional (subclass 188) visa.

Business Owner Visa 890

This is a permanent residence visa for business owners from overseas who have held one of the required provisional visas; their family members can also be included on the application.
To be eligible the applicants must:

  • meet the usual health and character requirements
  • have spent at least 12 months of the two years immediately before applying in Australia
  • (main applicant) must have had and continue to have direct and continuous management in their main business (or two main businesses) for at least two years immediately before application
  • own a certain percentage of the business depending on its annual turnover

In addition to the above requirements:

  • The net value of the applicant’s (or applicant and spouse’s combined) assets in the business(es) must be at least AUD$100,000 throughout the 12 months immediately before application
  • The net value of the applicant’s (or applicant and spouse’s combined) personal and business assets must be at least AUD$250,000 throughout the 12 months immediately before application.
  • The applicant is also required to demonstrate that their main business (or two main businesses) had a turnover of at least AUD$300,000 in the 12 months immediately before application and employed at least two full-time employees who were Australian citizens, permanent residents or New Zealand passport holders.

State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner Visa 892

The 892 visa is for successful business owners from overseas who are under the age of 55 and intend to own a business in Australia.
The applicant must:

  • be sponsored by the appropriate regional authority of a state or territory in Australia
  • meet business turnover and ownership requirements
  • have personal and business assets with a net value of at least AUD$500,000 that were legally acquired and can be transferred to Australia within two years of the visa being granted
  • have sufficient assets to settle in Australia
  • demonstrate that they need to live in Australia for business reasons
  • meet the health and character requirements

This is a temporary visa, which means that it is valid for four years from the date you first enter Australia and is the first step towards permanent residence. It is an offshore visa which means that you must be outside Australia when it is granted, although any dependent applicants who are in Australia on student visas may be in Australia when the visa is granted.

Established Business in Australia Visa 845

The 845 Visa is for people who have established a business in Australia and wish to apply for permanent residence.
In order to be eligible, the applicant must:

  • meet the usual health and character requirements
  • have an overall successful business career
  • have spent at least 272 days of the 12 months immediately before applying in Australia.
  • have had an ownership interest in and management of up to two active businesses for at least 18 months immediately before lodging the visa application
  • have the required assets and be able to pass the points test

State/Territory Sponsored Investor Visa 893

The 893 Visa is for investors and business people who already hold a provisional investor visa.
To apply for the 893 visa, the applicant must:

  • have significant assets
  • have a good business background
  • be willing to invest in a Designated Investment in Australia for four years
  • want to live permanently in Australia
  • have lived in Australia for at least two of the four years immediately before applying
  • be sponsored by an appropriate regional authority of a state or territory government
  • meet the health and character requirements
  • (at the time of decision) must have held their Designated Investment continuously for four years
  • have an acceptable business record and a commitment to maintaining a business or investment in Australia

Need help?

If you have any questions or need help choosing the right visa, please call us or complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.